Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thoughts you have in Venezuela...

Did we order enough drinking water for this week?

Does that grocery store have... (milk, eggs, flour, sugar, toilet paper)... yet?

Fireworks, moto, or gun shot?

How do you say that in Spanish?

How do you say that again in English?

Is there water?

Is the water hot?

Is there electricity?

Are we doing home school?

Are we still in mourning?

How can I make that from scratch?

What can I substitute for (milk, sugar, flour, eggs)?

Should I fill up my water bottle here or can I get drinking water there?

How much does this food weigh to carry up the death hill?

What time is it going to get dark?

Can we make it before dark?

How much is that in dollars, and at what exchange rate?

Venezuelan time or Gringo time?

How long does it take to walk there?

What will I eat today?

Do I need to go to the store for tomorrow?

Do I have to walk the death hill or can I make something else work?

Ten dollars for a cup of peanut butter?!

What's the most effective way to push water out of the house/school?

Oh, what a beautiful place....

1 comment:

  1. Wow... I can't wait to hear some stories in person. :)
